Cloud of Things
The Cloud of Things is a synonym for The Internet of Things, and this section of the web site is concerned with not only the underlying concepts and their potential but also with the details, namely Smart Wireless Sensors and how they can join up to form Ad Hoc networks, which in turn can feed data into cloud based applications and data stores.
AdHoc networks are networks consisting of a collection of wirelessly connected embedded system sensor nodes that are capable of self-organising and co-operative behaviour. These networks can, in turn be connected through gateways to the internet. Embedded systems with on board wireless or wired ethernet interfaces running TCP/IP can be connected to the internet. If these systems are running e.g. HTTP of SMTP servers they can be connected to via suitable clients such as web browsers or mail clients respectively.
Smart sensors are embedded systems which can be connected to a network and collect and intelligently deliver information to interested clients.
Large numbers of sensors will generate large amounts of data, and cloud frameworks may provide a convenient means of storing such data and later accessing it for analytic or data mining purposes. It is also possible that out of the collective behaviour of large numbers of computing systems embedded and not-embedded programmed with suitable software interesting behaviours may emerge. Networks of sensors can also be used to e.g. collect information about traffic flows, or air pollution or locations of large crowds of people that can then be used to influence behaviour and aid decision making e.g. altering the setting of traffic lights to respond to traffic congestions. These are the kinds of systems and applications that constitute the domain of “Smart Cities”.
The applications referred to here can also be considered to be “cloudy applications”. The courses in this section address the need for training in this rapidly evolving and exciting area of technology.
Cloudyappstraining is an associate company of First Technology Transfer Limited (FTT).