From Arduino Programming to C++ Programming
Duration: 5 Days
Course Background
The course deals with the migration path going from an ability to use Arduino libraries and their various APIs to understanding how such libraries might be implemented in C++ and how Arduino sketches might be ported to professional embedded C++ programs.
Course Prerequisites and Target Audience
This course is aimed at engineers technologists and teachers wishing to make the transition from Arduino sketching to full embedded C++ programming. Attendees are assumed to have a good basic knowledge of Arduino programming and C Arduino programming techniques, as well as the use of the simple C++ constructs found in Arduino.
Course Outline
- The mechanisms and technology underlying Arduino Sketches
- Overview of Arduino programming
- How an Arduino program maps on to a classical event driven embedded C program with interrupts
- Overview of the Arduino bootloader
- Programming a bootloader into an Arduino board
- Overview of C and C++
- Extensions to C provided by C++
- Classes and Instances
- Constructors and destructors
- The new and delete operators
- Access control - Private, Public and Protected
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Templates
- Arrays and pointers in C and C++
- Implementing a circular buffer class
- Statemachines and event driven programming
- Switch statement based statemachines
- Table driven statemachines
- Hierarchical and extended statemachines
- Adding variables and conditional transitions
- Push down automatata
- Hierarchical finite statemachines
- Introduction to dynamic data structures - linked lists and binary trees - C and C++ compared
- The C++ Standard Template library - uses and limitations for embedded systems development
- Overview of embedded system peripherals and modular approaches to the implementation of drivers and application libraries
- Overview of basic arduino libraries
- How arduino libraries might be realised as pure C++ libraries or pure C libraries
- Arduino and C/C++ peripheral and protocol stack libraries compared and contrasted
- Building C++ wrappers around C code
- A/D and DAC
- I2C and SPI
- Timers
- USB device - fundamentals
- Ethernet and TCP/IP fundamentals
- Wireless - Zigbee, WiFi, RFID, GSM
- Systematic approaches to multi-tasking
- Design and implementation of simple schedulers
- Overview of RTOS - Real Time Operating Systems - for use on PIC32 and ARM Cortex M3/M4 devices
- Structured multitasking using C++ with the FreeRTOS C API