About us
Cloudyappstraining is an associate company of First Technology Transfer Limited (FTT).
Its purpose is to provide both public and onsite Cloud based training. In addition, it can provide consultancy and advice on the best use of Cloud and related technologies.
First Technology Transfer has been delivering advanced technical training courses for over 25 years. It was one of the early companies to deliver Linux training, including real time and embedded Linux. The key to FTT's success has been its adoption of Agile techniques to the development of cutting edge tailored courses. These courses have been developed in anticipation of training requirements for new and emerging technologies, often as a result of our own "futurology" forecasting skills, but, sometimes in response to challenges and requests from our customers.
Our courses are more often than not customised to match your project needs and the delegate experience. Focused training making use of practical examples relevant to your industry will enable your engineers to immediately apply new skills, become more effective team members and reach vital project milestones.
Currently much of our research and development effort is focused on emerging web, cloud computing and "internet of things" technologies and their applications. Application areas that we are exploring including Semantic Web technologies, Big Data and NoSQL, Data Analytics, Data Visualisation and Data Mining and , also, Bioinformatics.
We are always open to ideas and proposals for new training courses. If you are an experienced trainer or consultant, or are actively engaged in PhD or Postdoctoral research in cutting edge technologies and would like to become involved in training and consulting please do get in touch with us.
As a European training company we are particularly interested in trainers and consultants who, in addition to technical English are fluent in one or more other languages e.g. Spanish, French, German, Polish , Italian, Greek, Dutch ... and who would be interested in teaching our courses in their mother countries.
For more details about the full range of FTT courses please visit http://www. FTT.co.uk